We can all do much more and much better than we think

Accenpi is a management consultancy company. We endeavor to enhance companies’ performances by deploying our experience & expertise in four core competencies. We provide an informed, accurate and often unexpected outside perspective in the human dimensions of your projects and in your organizational changes in order to leverage the expected benefits. Our ambition is to positively and directly impact your results, your image, your competitiveness, today and tomorrow.

Imagine … What about you doing it with our help? What should be changed first?

Companies & people

Help companies unleash people’s potential

Develop people & leadership

We know that they are capable of much more than what they do today; but they are often asked so badly to “give their all” that they almost can’t do it anymore… This generates stress and intense and unresolved frustration on both sides of the managerial border.
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Crisis situation

Overcome hurdles, preserve relationships

Sort out & coach

We help individuals or groups overcome any temporary or structural problems:
change, redesign situations, crisis or conflict, alignment of teams
or redefined vision situations, or, more generally, any situation in which people feel hard done by.
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Certified facilitators of proven tools

Proven tools for better performance

With proven tools, we help redefine and enrich the management mode and style in companies for better business performance. We are certified facilitators of the tools we use and master perfectly: MBTI®, TKI, Mediator in Civil and Commercial Mediation,…
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Management consultants, business coaches, trainers and mediators,
we work wherever relationships between people are important.

You are the architect of your own growth and that of your business.
Accenpi comes from a Latin word which means “igniting, transforming, changing”.