Links to wise friends

Yellow Ideas – Creative thinking
The website for those who love being creative. With the numerous new techniques for facilitating creative meetings that the website presents, you will be able to enhance your creative practices and your tactical or strategic brainstorming sessions.
To bring your wildest, your most “yellow” plans to life and enable you to achieve them. To dare create the real difference: the impossible is there to be questioned !
Principiae – Communication
Two experts in communication who will happily challenge everything you thought you knew about written documents, oral presentations, graphs, and more.
Through hundreds of training sessions on all continents except Antarctica, in English, French, Dutch, and Spanish, and for demanding audiences of engineers, scientists, businesspeople, and other rational minds, Geneviève Casterman and Jean-luc Doumont have earned a reputation for no-nonsense, highly applicable, and often life-changing recommendations on a wide range of topics.
Instant Team Work – Group dynamics
90% of the people think they cannot sing or play an instrument. A few “extraordinary, crazy people” will show you how wrong this statement is. They “wake up” teams or groups (made up of a few or hundreds of people) by making them play together African percussion and traditional instruments of any kind.
They suggest various techniques to help all participants “get into the rhythm” of frenzied sessions during which people find their own pace, while developing their collective creativity. People “give everything they have” (actually body and soul) in a field that is usually entirely new to them, and discover the joy of celebrating shared success together.
Ark Group – Knowledge Management
Centre for Documentation and Information dedicated to sharing with professionals opinions and expertise at the forefront of various technologies: knowledge management, information technology, various legal aspects…
Provide training, publications, conferences and business seminars to disseminate their knowledge and enable their corporate clients to better structure some of their most fundamental processes in these fields.
Look at work – Look coaching
Be your very best ! Enhance your appearance. Maximise your potential. Does your image speak for you? How do you see yourself? Do others see you the same way? Are you looking to reveal your hidden assets through your look?
Florence is a personal image consultant who counsels and guides business women & men to express the highest potential of their physical aspects while respecting their inner values. She shares her passion for colours & fashion and offers her expertise to help you find that extra step that will sublimate what makes you special.
PMR Europe – Mediation
Preventing, Managing and Resolving Conflicts. Negotiating and mediating in all their forms & under one roof: research, testing, knowledge transfer relating to (integrative and distributive) negotiation and mediation skills through training programs accredited by the Federal Mediation Commission, publications, conferences and meetings between conflict-resolution professionals.
Led by two consultants – honorary lawyers – with more than 25 years’ expertise in conflict prevention and management in companies and accredited mediators in civil, commercial, social and family matters, the consultancy firm offers recognized expertise, extensive theoretical & practical knowledge, a network of licensed and experienced mediators from various professional backgrounds.
OPP – Tools revealing potential
OPP and its partners help organisations unlock potential in individuals and teams with training, resources and consultancy to support effective and innovative talent identification and people development.
OPP is the European distributor of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) and other leading psychometric tools
Philosophie & Management – Philosophy
Organize in-company lectures and seminars leading to fruitful exchanges between (academic) philosophers and non-philosophers (managers) about issues related to management or business management.
This intense philosophical questioning helps managers challenge the paradigms that – consciously or unconsciously – affect their managerial practices, it helps them free themselves from the established models and doctrines, think “out-of-the-box” or “in -other-boxes”, better distinguish and separate goals and means, get a glimpse of other possible solutions to their complex problems, in a word, make better decisions for better grounded reasons…
Ligue des optimistes – Optimism
Group out to raise awareness and get people’s attitudes to change towards more optimism, enthusiasm, good mood, positive thinking, daring & entrepreneurial spirit as well as respect and understanding between citizens across all borders.
Convinced that thought creates reality, its members fight resignation, gloom and negative ideas. They want to initiate the Cultural Revolution of optimistic realism and confidence in the future, that confidence that breeds the desire and pleasure to take action for tomorrow’s world to be more beautiful, fairer and more humane than it is today.