Listen and understand in order to better address
Guide parties to resolve disputes and reach negotiated settlements through an integrative and voluntary negotiation process.
Results deemed fair by the parties are often achieved very quickly.
What We Do
We safeguard and we stabilize the relationship between the parties in conflict, guiding and facilitating a voluntary process.
How We Do It
We set up a strict formal, structuring & soothing framework, while using a proven methodology in a recognized legal and official framework. We coach the parties on the basis of a mediation protocol up to a formal dispute settlement contract.
What You Gain From It
We help people to obtain, often very quickly, the settlement of their conflicts through agreements reached “amicably ” and built by the protagonists themselves, with their own solutions (integrative negotiation). This could be even translated into legally binding mediation agreements with the enforceability of a court ruling.
The root cause of a conflict is mostly and mainly not in the objective reality of the positions, but in the perception that each party has of them, and it is often precisely this difference in perception that causes the conflict.
Mediation : formal framework
Without prejudice to other forms of alternative dispute resolution, mediation is a voluntary and confidential process for managing conflicts in which the parties resort to an independent and impartial third party, the mediator.
His role is to assist the parties to develop by themselves, in full knowledge of the facts, a fair and reasonable agreement that meets the needs of each of the stakeholders.
This alternative method of dispute resolution is described, strictly structured and governed by a strict legal framework (Law of 21 February 2005).